Monday, February 7, 2011

Menu Monday!

I'm not sure what happened to Menu Monday last week, but we're back again this week! This week is about stretch out of my comfort zone and trying some new things. Add in a freezer meal, crockpot meal and a couple family approved dishes, we have the fixin's for a great menu!

Crockpot steel cut oats, banana, raisins, walnuts
PBJ, crudites, apples
North Indian Spinach Chicken, rice, oranges

English Muffin egg sandwiches with cheese, tomato, oranges
Tuna noodle casserole with peas, applesauce
Chili with baked potatoes, sour cream, cheese, broccoli, oranges

Crockpot steel cut oats leftovers, raisins, banana, walnuts
Chicken and dumpling soup, apples or grapes, steamed carrots
Dinner with my Dad and Stepmom

English muffin leftovers for more egg sandwiches, tomato, cheese, oranges
Turkey/garbanzo/kale pasta soup with applesauce, crusty bread

PB toast with honey and banana
Squash/chickpea fritters with winter greens salad, apples, dried cranberries and pecans maybe
Beef and roasted vegetable stew with biscuits on top, apples

And there you have it! This is a rather lofty menu for me, admittedly. Quite a bit is new from scratch whereas I generally try to have more frozen meals in there. But I think we'll do ok. I'm most excited to try the oats in the crockpot, the english muffin recipe(muffins themselves from scratch) and the squash/chickpea fritters. Should be delicious! Would also like to point out my attempt at a wide variety of veggies: Spinach and crudites on Monday, peas and broccoli on Tuesday, carrots on Wednesday, kale on Thursday and squash and roast veggies on Friday.

Will let you know the new recipes turn out!


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