Friday, December 17, 2010

Huge Sale at My Baby's Green!

Head over to My Baby's Green for an awesome 50% off sale. Code: GOGREEN

Almost everything in the store is 50% off with that code- there are just a few things that can't be due to vendor rules. I picked up some piggy paint for my daughter and the push duck for my son. Can't wait! Hurry, the sale is only for now through the 18th.

Also check out My Baby's Green on facebook. Tina shares really wonderful tips and quotes every day- I just love them. They also have a great blog!


Sarah said... 1

Just missed it!

A delight to meet you today! I hope you don't mind if I splash around a bit to get to know you. This looks like a refreshing place to get seriously drenched in goodness.

Have a joy filled, love overlfow Christmas,

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