Welcome to A Merry Fluffy Christmas!
How A Merry Fluffy Christmas works:
Each of the 5 days of this event, there will be one post up on each blog. In each post, there will be one or more items to be won! Each day is ONE prize package, so there will only be ONE winner for each day for each blog. Each giveaway is open for 3 days.
You MUST do the Mandatory Entry to enter the giveaways! If you do not do the Mandatory Entry, all your other entries will be deleted.
Please remember to read ALL instructions on each blog. We are all a part of the Merry Fluffy Christmas event, but we are each doing different ways to enter. Please read ALL instructions or you might miss something and your entries will be deleted.
The Extra Entries are just that, extra and optional! You can, if you'd like, enter only the Mandatory Entry and call it a day. But entering ALL Extra Entries as well will provide you with a greater chance at winning!
Please visit ALL 19 BLOGS! You can find the Linky at the bottom of each giveaway post..
Day 2 Sponsors:
First up is a Your Yarn My Needle slot for an item of winner's choice: soaker, shorties or longies! This generous prize is sponsored by Michele of Same Knit Different Dye.
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An example of Michele's work! |
Second prize in today's package is... yarn! I thought that might go nicely with the YYMN slot! Nicole of the amazing Laines Magnifiques is sponsoring a $30 gift certificate to her store. Isn't that awesome?
What would you choose?
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An example of Nicole's work: Hoot. |
How to enter:
1. You have to be a public follower of Adventures in Green Living on Google Friend Connect- this does not count as an entry.
2. Please leave your email address in each entry- ex: bigbird at yahoo dot com
3. Each entry is a separate comment.
Mandatory Entries:
Do both mandatory entries prior to completing any Extra Entries!
- Visit Same Knit Different Dye and comment with your favorite item(one entry)
- Follow Laines Magnifiques on facebook. Leave your facebook name(one entry)
Extra Entries:
-Visit Laines Magnifiques and comment on your favorite item(one entry)
-Sign up for Adventure in Green Living emails(must confirm subscription- one entry)
-Follow Adventures in Green Living via Networked Blogs(one entry)
That is a total of 5 entry opportunities!
*** This giveaway closes December 4th @ 11:59 EST; winner will be chosen via Random.org and contacted via email. Winner will have 48 hours to respond to the notification email or I will have to draw a new winner. Open WORLDWIDE!!***
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 244 Newer› Newest»I love "Thankful" on Gaia Worsted
and liked on fb (Alex Fisher)
I love Kumquat Goldfish from Laines Magnifique!
I follow via networked blogs
Alex Fisher
I am a follower
brandy nelson
Oops! I messed up on my mandatory and put I am a follower. To compensate, I am leaving BOTH mandatory entries in this ONE comment. Thanks!
I love the Knit NB Longies with Alligator Knits' Rainbow Shine
I like Laine's on fb
brandy leigh nelson
I like the Sea Turtles Project Bag at Laines
I follow on networked blogs
brandy leigh nelson
at gmail
dot com
I like the knit longies and would love them in one of these two yarns:
- "Ruthie" ooak on Kona Worsted
- Dashing Dachs Jackfrost
at gmail
dot com
I follow Laines Magnifiques on facebook. Melissa Woodard Davis / mkwdavis
at gmail
dot com
I follow Adventures in Green Living via Networked Blogs
at gmail
dot com
Visit Laines Magnifiques and comment on your favorite item:
I like Tropical Sunset in Licorice Twist
at gmail
dot com
Sign up for Adventure in Green Living emails. DONE.
I follow GFC
I like the "Jillian" wool for some longies
I follow Laines Magnifiques on facebook as Michelle Stice
At Laines I LOVE the "Purple Haze" colored wool
I subscribe to you by email
I follow you on networked blogs
I love the colors of "Jillian" on BFL Aran
I follow laines magnifques on fb
Cassie M
4allibaby at gmail dot com
I like the Fruit Salad Skirtie on Royal Merino Worsted in the gallery on laines magnifiques.
4allibaby at gmail dot com
My favorite is "Diva" on BFL Aran
Looks gorgeous!!
Limegreentoez at gmail dot com
I like Laines Magnifiques on facebook
Kimberly Olsen Cuilla
Limegreentoez at gmail dot com
I love the "Diva" on BFL Aran yarn on same knit different dye and I follow laines magnifiques of fb (user christine boulanger)
I love the orange bliss project bag from laines magnifique
katylynnj at hotmail dot com
Knit NB Longies with Alligator Knits' Rainbow Shine
katylynnj at hotmail dot com
I like Laines Magnifiques on FB.
Sea turtles project bag.
katylynnj at hotmail dot com
katylynnj at hotmail dot com
I subscribe to AGL emails:)
I like the longies, alligator knut rainbow. on same knit, different dye.
slvidrine at yahoo dot com
I like Laines Magnifique
slvidrine at yahoo dot com
love Midnight Blue on Superwash Worsted Merino Yarn
slvidrine at yahoo dot com
I follow on networked blogs
slvidrine at yahoo dot com
I subscribe via email
slvidrine at yahoo dot com
I like the "Jillian" wool (would love longies in it!)
c_guf at yahoo dot com
like LM on fb
Caroline Guf
c_guf at yahoo dot com
I adore the Blue Flowers Project Bag!!
c_guf at yahoo dot com
I subscribe to your blog via email.
c_guf at yahoo dot com
I follow on Networked Blogs
Caroline Guf
c_guf at yahoo dot com
I really like the Dashing Dachs Jackfrost yarn, those colors would work well together for several things. lil_allie_baby at hotmail.com
I follow on FB Riley Roy
lil_allie_baby at hotmail.com
I love the "Sea Turtle" on Cestari Super Fine so cute!
kristina at thecoffeycan dot com
like LM on FB
kristina at thecoffeycan dot com
I love the tropical sunset yarn!
kristina at thecoffeycan dot com
folowing on networked blogs!
kristina at thecoffeycan dot com
I like the "Ruthie" ooak on Kona Worsted ~Kettle Dyed~ and Sea Turtle on Laines Magnifiques. She's so talanted!
bfcourage at yahoo dot com
I like them on FB
beth courage fuller
bfcourage at yahoo dot com
I got the button
bfcourage at yahoo dot com
I got the button
bfcourage at yahoo dot com
I got the button
bfcourage at yahoo dot com
I got the button
bfcourage at yahoo dot com
I got the button
bfcourage at yahoo dot com
On Same Knit Different Dye I like the "Knit S/M Longies with Hippy Pippy's Citrus Freeze on Cestari Superfine"
diaryofmomma00 at yahoo dot com
like Laines Magnifiques on FB
ID: Katie Adams
diaryofmomma00 at yahoo dot com
I like "The Blues" project bag from laines magnifiques
diaryofmomma00 at yahoo dot com
follow via networked blogs
ID: Katie Adams
diaryofmomma00 at yahoo dot com
Thankful is my favorite from Same Knit Different Dye.
krishackney at suddenlink dot net
I follow Laines Magnifiques on Facebook: Kristen Hackney-Redman
krishackney at suddenlink dot net
My favorite Laines Magnifiques item is Purple Haze
krishackney at suddenlink dot net
Networked Blogs follower Kristen Hackney-Redman
krishackney at suddenlink dot net
Love the Sea Turtle on Cestari!
midget52 at yahoo dot com
I follow Laines Magnifique on FB. Leah.Shofstahl
midget52 at yahoo dot com
Love Kumquat Goldfish on Laines Magnifique!
Love the Diva" on BFL Aran! So pretty :)
Danielle Simmons
simmworksfamily (at) gmail (dot) com
Love the Olivia yarn in twisty merino on Laines Magnifiques' site!
I'm going with this yarn http://hyenacart.com/SameKnitDifferentDye/mt/2802/33396/Sea-Turtle-on-Cestari-Super-Fine
I am a FB fan of Laines Magnifiques.
I follow via networked blogs
I fav item from Laines Magnifiques is this one
I follow Laines Magnifiques on FB (Danielle Simmons)
simmworksfamily (at) gmail (dot) com
I receive your emails.
I guess the mandatory entry is two entrys so here is my #2
I'm going with this yarn http://hyenacart.com/SameKnitDifferentDye/mt/2802/33396/Sea-Turtle-on-Cestari-Super-Fine
I am a FB fan of Laines Magnifiques.
I love the Sea Turtle yarn!
I like LM on FB
April P
mommytrenches at gmail dot com
I love the tropical sunset yarn from LM
mommytrenches at gmail dot com
I singed up for your emails
mommytrenches at gmail dot com
I follow AiGL via NB
April P
mommytrenches at gmail dot com
I love the shorties knit with marigold.
Macleishshelby at gmail dot com
I like "thankful" on worsted.
Our family FB name is Daniel Forster, and I 'liked' LM!
I love the Hoot that you showed, but I also like Thankful and Sea Turtle!
hmahan_0529 @yahoo dot com
Like them on FB Heather Mahan
The purple haze from LM!
I like Treetops from Laines Magnifiques
hmahan_0529 @yahoo dot com
LM FB fan!
libby dot bloom dot hunt at gmail dot com
Visited SNDD's site ... I love the Ruthie yarn and the Sea Turtle yarn. I wouldn't use it for knitting tho! I'm a crocheter all the way! =D
knightsgirl at gmail dot com
Love the Sea Turtle yarn!
libby dot bloom dot hunt at gmail dot com
Fanned Laines Magnifiques on FB.
Jessica Conkey
knightsgirl at gmail dot com
Love the Angelfish Truffles yarn on LM's site.
libby dot bloom dot hunt at gmail dot com
email subscriber
libby dot bloom dot hunt at gmail dot com
I love the Blue Flowers project bag at Laines' shop. I also love the purple haze yarn!
knightsgirl at gmail dot com
networked blog follower
libby dot bloom dot hunt at gmail dot com
Subscribed to your email and confirmed.
knightsgirl at gmail dot com
Following your blog via Networked Blogs!
knightsgirl at gmail dot com
I like the Semi-Custom with Dashing Dachs Jackfrost
j.mcdilda at gmail dot com
facebook fan of Laines Magnifiques
Justine McDilda
j.mcdilda at gmail dot com
I love the Eurobirds yarn from LM
j.mcdilda at gmail dot com
following you on networked blogs
j.mcdilda at gmail dot com
I love "Thankful" on Gaia Worsted and I follow LM on FB (Sarah Cody)
radharas at yahoo dot com
Purple Haze wool (on LM) is scrumptious!
radharas at yahoo dot com
Follow you on NB
radharas at yahoo dot com
My favorite item from Same Knit Different Dye is "Thankful"
rookem123 at yahoo dot com
I LOVE "thankfull" in Same knit different dye
Casey vasconcelos
I follow Laines Magnifiques on Facebook (name is Ra Kat Obro)
rookem123 at yahoo dot com
I like Laines Magnifiques on FB
Casey vasconcelos
My favorite item at Laines Magnifiques is Purple Haze
rookem123 at yahoo dot com
My fav itemfrom Laines Magnifiques is their PInk and Pretty project bag :)
Casey vasconcelos
love the ruthie on kona worsted- great for a baby blanket!
asdrexler at gmail dot com
like laines magnifiques on FB- amorette drexler
asdrexler at gmail dot com
love the purple haze yarn at laines magnifiques
asdrexler at gmail dot com
ui like the diva aran yarn
i like the diva aran yarn
avonrepmi at gmail.com
following on bowsandmore
Follow Laines on Fb
Fav item on Same Yarns is the crown jewels
GFC follower
email = jkrs01 @comcast.net
get your emails!
jkrs01 @comcast.net
Follow you via networked blogs
jkrs01 @comcast.net
love the tropical sunset at Laines!
jkrs01 @comcast.net
love the Thankful yarn :)
caseyzanna at gmail dot com
Following on FB. "Rozanna Salmon"
caseyzanna at gmail dot com
love the Olivia yarn!!
caseyzanna at gmail dot com
email subscriber
caseyzanna at gmail dot com
Following via network blogs
caseyzanna at gmail dot com
GFC Follower
southcarolinamommy at gmail dot com
Knit Alligator NB Longies.
southcarolinamommy at gmail dot com
Like LM on fb: Karen B
Love the Knit longies with Alligator Knits' Rainbow Shine.
angiedkelly at gmail dot com
Like LM on Facebook under Angie Dunlap Kelly
angiedkelly at gmail dot com
My fave item is the Knit NB Longies with Alligator Knits' Rainbow Shine
lyromero77 at yahoo dot com
I like Laines Magnifiques on facebook (charming linda)
lyromero77 at yahoo dot com
My fave item from Laines Magnifiques is the "Blue Flowers" Project Bag
lyromero77 at yahoo dot com
e-mail subscriber
lyromero77 at yahoo dot com
I follow on networked blogs (charming linda)
lyromero77 at yahoo dot com
My favorite item is the knit longies.
jhull at m dot marywood dot edu
I like Laines on facebook (Jenny Hull).
jhull at m dot marywood dot edu
I like the pink and pretty project bag from Laines.
jhull at m dot marywood dot edu
I signed up for your emails.
jhull at m dot marywood dot edu
I follow you on networked blogs.
jhull at m dot marywood dot edu
My favorite item is "Diva" on BFL Aran. Very pretty colors
prdmilitarywife12 at yahoo dot com
I follow Laines MAgnifiques on facebook
prdmilitarywife12 at yahoo dot com
On laines magnifiques i really like "Country Flowers" Project Bag
prdmilitarywife12 at yahoo dot com
My favorite item is the Knit S/M Longies with Hippy Pippy's Citrus Freeze on Cestari Superfine. skklemm @ gmail dot com(
Follow Laines Magnifiques on facebook. ID skklemm.
skklemm @ gmail dot com
I follow on networked blogs through FB
prdmilitarywife12 at yahoo dot com
My favorite item at Laines Magnifiques is the Little Doggies in Quyon. skklemm @ gmail dot com
Thankful" on Gaia Worsted
like Laines Magnifiques
Aubrey Livermore
Facebook fan of LM.
sarah brown
I love the "Thankful" on Gaia Worsted skein.
knockedupandnursing at gmail dot com
I like the purple haze from LM.
knockedupandnursing at gmail dot com
My favorite thing at Same Knot Different Dye is the "Thankful" yarn
brittleby at yahoo dot com
I follow Laines Magnifies on FB!
Brittne Minor
brittleby at yahoo dot com
I like the "Pink and Pretty" bag from Laines Magnifiques.
brittleby at yahoo dot com
I subscribe to your emails.
brittleby at yahoo dot com
I follow you via networked blogs.
brittleby at yahoo dot com
i like "ruthie"
coreybelle86 at yahoo dot ocm
i like lanies on fb
coreybelle86 at yahoo dot com
i like the country flowers project bag
coreybelle86 at yahoo dot com
follow on networked blogs
coreybelle86 at yahoo
I love the Ruthie yarn at Same Knit Different Dye!
jccchocolate at gmail dot com
I follow Laines Magnifiques on Facebook as Johanna C.
jccchocolate at gmail dot com
I love the Purple Haze yarn at Laines Magnifiques!
jccchocolate at gmail dot com
I signed up for your emails & confirmed the subscription!
jccchocolate at gmail dot com
I follow you on NetWorked Blogs as Johanna C.
jccchocolate at gmail dot com
love Jillian on BFL
rianchablis at hotmail dot com
Knit S/M Longies with Hippy Pippy's Citrus Freeze on Cestari Superfine are my fav from SKDD
elh1901 at gmail dot com
love Olivia colorway by LM
rianchablis at hotmail dot com
I am a LM facebook fan
Dana Bivona
rianchablis at hotmail dot com
I am a LM facebook fan
Dana Bivona
rianchablis at hotmail dot com
I follow Laine's Magnifiques on fb (Erika Henke)
elh1901 at gmail dot com
I dig the sea turtles project bag from Laines Magnifiques
elh1901 at gmail dot com
I love the sea turtle yarn!
carolinastamper at gmail dot com
I'm following Laines Magnifiques on fb. katherine w carolinastamper at gmail dot com
My favorite LM item is the Tropical Sunset yarn. carolinastamper at gmail dot com
I love the "Diva" on BFL Aran on Same Knit Different Dye
cclmommy0810 at gmail dot com
I am following Laines Magnifiques on facebook as Rene Gwartney
clmommy0810 at gmail dot com
I like the "Pink and Pretty" Project Bag from Laines Magnifiques
clmommy0810 at gmail dot com
Signed up for Adventure in Green Living emails
clmommy0810 at gmail dot com
Following on Networked Blogs
clmommy0810 at gmail dot com
OOOh, I love the colors of Thankful. I could start crocheting again with that rainbow!
me_juliet AT hotmail DOT com
fan laines magnifiques on FB D. macauley
me_juliet AT hotmail DOT com
AiGL networked blogs follow (diane macauley)
me_juliet AT hotmail DOT com
So cute! Love the Knit NB Longies with Alligator Knits' Rainbow Shine even though they won't fit my daughter anymore.
sckatz at gmail dot com
I like Laines Magnifiques on Facebook - Stacy Katz Ford
sckatz at gmail dot com
I love the Eurobirds yarn at Laines Magnifiques.
Oh wow... I think I want to win this package more than any of them!!! haha
I follow you via GFC!
hippiemama86 at yahoo dot com
My fav item from Same Knit Different Dye is the "Sea Turtle" on Cestari Super Fine... beautiful!
I follow Laines Magnifiques on facebook...
Amanda Olson-Laurette
My fav item from Laines Magnifiques is Retro Metro! So pretty!
I Follow Adventures in Green Living via Networked Blogs!
love the Olivia yarn!
angiedkelly at gmail dot com
I like the Birthday Shorties!
mom2_3boyzz at yahoo dot com
Like Laines Magnifiques on Facebook
(Tina Deanette Gower)
mom2_3boyzz at yahoo dot com
I like the Country Flowers bag from Laines Magnifiques!
mom2_3boyzz at yahoo dot com
Follow on Networked Blogs
mom2_3boyzz at yahoo dot com
I subscribe via Email!
mom2_3boyzz at yahoo dot com
For some reason I'm really liking this Dashing Dachs Jackfrost color yarn... http://hyenacart.com/SameKnitDifferentDye/mt/2802/89863/Semi-Custom-with-Dashing-Dachs-Jackfrost
emmerswee at gmail dot com
I follow Laines Magnifigues on FB now (Marcella Cook)
emmerswee at gmail dot com
I soo need this project bag... http://www.lainesmagnifiques.com/item_83/Country-Flowers-Project-Bag.php
emmerswee at gmail dot com
I'm subscribed via email
emmerswee at gmail dot com
I follow via Networked Blogs (Marcella Cook)
emmerswee at gmail dot com
I LOVE the "Diva" on BFL Aran Yarn from Same Knit Different Dye!
b_lacobee23 at yahoo dot com
I like Laines Magnifiques on Facebook!
Brandy Greer
b_lacobee23 at yahoo dot com
I Love the Eurobirds Yarn and the Semi Solid Skeins at Laines Magnifiques!
b_lacobee23 at yahoo dot com
I signed up for Adventure in Green Living emails!
b_lacobee23 at yahoo dot com
I follow Adventure in Green Living with NetworkedBlogs!
b_lacobee23 at yahoo dot com
My favorite item at SKDD is "Sea Turtle" on Cestari Super Fine.
sgoetsch at cox dot net
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