Welcome to A Merry Fluffy Christmas!
Welcome to A Merry Fluffy Christmas!
How A Merry Fluffy Christmas works:
Each of the 5 days of this event, there will be one post up on each blog. In each post, there will be one or more items to be won! Each day is ONE prize package, so there will only be ONE winner for each day for each blog. Each giveaway is open for 3 days.
You MUST do the Mandatory Entry to enter the giveaways! If you do not do the Mandatory Entry, all your other entries will be deleted.
Please remember to read ALL instructions on each blog. We are all a part of the Merry Fluffy Christmas event, but we are each doing different ways to enter. Please read ALL instructions or you might miss something and your entries will be deleted.
The Extra Entries are just that, extra and optional! You can, if you'd like, enter only the Mandatory Entry and call it a day. But entering ALL Extra Entries as well will provide you with a greater chance at winning!
Please visit ALL 19 BLOGS! You can find the Linky at the bottom of each giveaway post..
Day 3 Sponsors:
Inspired mama MAKES! has offered the winner of Day 3 a sample month of her yarn subscription! The winner will get to choose from the 3 exclusive colorways just for subscribers. They will receive 4 ounces of the colorway of choice plus a 2 ounce solid trim skein to match. The colorways will be ready to preview the 3rd week in December and the yarn will be sent out the following week. How cool is that?!
The second item in today's package is from Lynn of Rhoadworks!
Lynn sent me a super cute short sleeve t-shirt that says 'Poop Happens', size 14-18lbs
It's a gender neutral white with black, sure to match whatever sweet woolie you choose above!
The third sponsor for today is the wonderful Traci of Northern Essence! Traci has provided a wool wash bar, rash salve and an organic cloth wipe. We love, love, love Northern Essence for our wool care, baby care and lip care needs.
The last sponsor of today is TomBoyKnits! Shannon has contributed a sweet newborn wool soaker in nice gender neutral colors of mint and brown on soft Malabrigo merino 1-ply yarn. It is already washed and lightly lanolized- ready to go on a sweet new babe!
Here is some additional information:
'Newborn (12" hip, 12" rise for soakers) will fit exactly that: newborns. This is the perfect size to cover disposable or cloth diapers for those newborn photo shoots. They will also work well as cloth diaper covers for newborns, though most cloth-diapered bums tend to grow out of them within a few weeks.
This soaker should be hand-washed in tepid water with wool wash. Re-shape and lay flat to dry, and re-lanolize as needed.
Comes from a smoke-free, dog-friendly home.'
Comes from a smoke-free, dog-friendly home.'
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*actual soaker is mint and brown stripe with brown trim* |
How to enter:
1. You have to be a public follower of Adventures in Green Living on Google Friend Connect- this does not count as an entry.
2. Please leave your email address in each entry- ex: bigbird at yahoo dot com
3. Each entry is a separate comment.
Mandatory Entry:
Do mandatory entry prior to completing any Extra Entries!
Comment with the item you'd be most excited about in this package!(one entry)
Extra Entries:
-Visit Inspired mama MAKES! and comment on your favorite item(one entry)
-Follow IMM's blog(one entry)
-Follow IMM's blog(one entry)
-Visit Rhoadworks and comment on your favorite item(one entry)
-Follow Rhoadworks on facebook(one entry)
-Follow Rhoadworks on facebook(one entry)
-Visit Northern Essence and comment on your favorite item(one entry)
-Follow Northern Essence on facebook(one entry)
-Follow Northern Essence on facebook(one entry)
-Visit TomBoyKnits and comment on your favorite item(one entry)
That is a total of 8 entry opportunities!
*** This giveaway closes December 5th @ 11:59 EST; winner will be chosen via Random.org and contacted via email. Winner will have 48 hours to respond to the notification email or I will have to draw a new winner. Open WORLDWIDE!!***
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 357 Newer› Newest»I'm definitley most excited about the wool soaker!
wazzuroo at gmail dot com
I'm most excited about the wool soaker too!
4allibaby at gmail dot com
at inspired mama makes I love the colors of OWLET corriedale wool top 4 oz
4allibaby at gmail dot com
I follow IMM's blog
4allibaby at gmail dot com
On Rhoadworks I like the "can i bee any cuter" shirt
4allibaby at gmail dot com
I like rhoadworks on fb
Cassie M
4allibaby at gmail dot com
On northern essence, we could use the eczema care kit for my DD.
4allibaby at gmail dot com
I like northern essence on fb
Cassie M
4allibaby at gmail dot com
on tomboy knits I like the newborn free spirit soaker with pink trim
4allibaby at gmail dot com
I am most excited about the wool soaker!
gfc follow under brandy nelson
I love the create project tote from IMM
I follow IMM blog
brandy nelson
I love the cougar bait onesie on Rhoadworks...too funny!
I like Rhoadworks on fb
brandy leigh nelson
I love the Planet Wise wet dry bags at Northern Essence!
I like Northern Essence on fb
brandy leigh nelson
I love the Newborn Plum and Aqua Soaker at TomBoy Knits!
I am a public follower of Adventrues in Green Living on GFC.
I am So excited about the yarn from Inspiried mama. I am a knitter!
n.snaer at gmail dot com
On IMMs store I really like OWLET corriedale wool top 4 oz! Beautiful colors!
n.snaer at gmail dot com
I Follow IMM's Blog
n.snaer at gmail dot com
I Visited Rhoadworks here's my favorite item:
"I Look This Way Because Daddy Dressed Me Diaper Shirt or Tee"
n.snaer at gmail dot com
. I Follow Rhoadworks on facebook!
n.snaer at gmail dot com
I visited Northern Essence and my favorite item is All Natural Healing Salve.
n.snaer at gmail dot com
I follow Northern Essence on facebook.
facebook name: nathania goforth
n.snaer at gmail dot com
I visited TomBoy knits and my fav item is Newborn Free Spirit Soaker with Pink Trim
n.snaer at gmail dot com
Most excited by TomBoy Knits soaker
(I follow GFC as Sticemichelle)
From Inspired Mama Makes I like OWLET corriedale wool top 4 oz
I follow IMM's blog
Rhoadworks fav item is the "I'm a keeper" shirt
I follow Rhoadworks on facebook
At Northern Essence my fav item is the fish in the bag soap...my 2 year old would love it.
I like Northern Essence on facebook
At TomBoy Knits my fav item is the newborn free spirit soaker
I'm really excited about the Northern Essences package! I already use their wipe solution and like it. I'd be excited about the soaker, but my 4-month-old never wore newborn sizes....
sckatz at gmail dot com
The Owlet Corridale wool top is gorgeous!
sckatz at gmail dot com
I follow IMM's blog via GFC.
sckatz at gmail dot com
Hahaha! I LOVE the Queen of Loud shirt on Rhoadsworks!
sckatz at gmail dot com
I like Rhoadsworks on facebook
sckatz at gmail dot com
I like Northern Essence on Facebook
sckatz at gmail dot com
I'm really curious about the Baby Sudz on Northern Essence.
sckatz at gmail dot com
Love the colors on the plum and aqua soaker on TomBoyKnits
sckatz at gmail dot com
soakers seems awesome!
kristina at thecoffeycan dot com
I love the inspire tote from IMM! So fun, I need that to keep my projects separate.
kristina at thecoffeycan dot com
I follow IMM's blog
kristina at thecoffeycan dot com
Most excited about the newborn soaker! I was due yesterday and would LOVE a soaker for the new baby once she makes her appearance :)
simmworksfamily (at) gmail (dot) com
RW favorite item is th I pulled an alnighter shirt so funny
kristina at thecoffeycan dot com
RW liked on fb
kristina at thecoffeycan dot com
NE favorite item is the animal bath mits my son would love those
kristina at thecoffeycan dot com
like NE on fb
kristina at thecoffeycan dot com
I love the Inspire project tote from Inspired Mama Makes:
simmworksfamily (at) gmail (dot) com
TBK favorite item is the pink, grey and cream soaker...now If i can have a girl...
kristina at thecoffeycan dot com
My son loves giraffes right now so this giraffe tee from Rhoadworks would be great for him: http://www.etsy.com/listing/54362459/giraffe-toddler-tee-or-diaper-shirt
simmworksfamily (at) gmail (dot) com
Love the Better Butt(er) cream from Northern Essence:
simmworksfamily (at) gmail (dot) com
The Newborn Free Spirit soaker in pink is super cute from TomBoy Knits:
simmworksfamily (at) gmail (dot) com
I follow Rhoadworks on facebook
simmworksfamily (at) gmail (dot) com
I follow Northern Essence on facebook
simmworksfamily (at) gmail (dot) com
I am most excited about TomBoy Knits newborn soaker...so cute!
rookem123 at yahoo dot com
My favorite Inspired Mama Makes item is the Inspire Project Tote
rookem123 at yahoo dot com
At Rhoadworks, my favorite item is the "I Pulled an All Nighter" shirt
rookem123 at yahoo dot com
At Northern Essence, my favorite item is the Lanolin Mister
rookem123 at yahoo dot com
At TomBoy Knits, my favorite item is the soaker that is offered in this giveaway!
rookem123 at yahoo dot com
I follow Northern Essence on FB under Jennifer Pabor Arney.
jennifer dot pabor at yahoo dot com
I am most excited about the Northern Essence part of this package.
jennifer dot pabor at yahoo dot com
I'm most excited about the rash salve.
amber8880 at yahoo dot com
I really like the project totes at Inspired mama makes
I follow IMM's blog
I like the Giraffe Toddler Tee from Rhoadworks.
I like the Cupcake Soaps from Northern Essence.
from Tomboyknits my favorite item is Newborn Plum and Aqua Soaker
I like Northern Essence on FB.
I love the little T. I have a friend who's having a baby soon and that would be the perfect gift!
bfcourage at yahoo dot com
I got the button
bfcourage at yahoo dot com
I got the button
bfcourage at yahoo dot com
I got the button
bfcourage at yahoo dot com
I got the button
bfcourage at yahoo dot com
I got the button
bfcourage at yahoo dot com
I am most excited about the Northern Essences part of the package.
jessharris79 at gmail dot com
What I'd be most excited about in this prize pack is a tough one! I would LOVE the yarn or the wool soaker! But I'd love the Northern Essence stuff too! I guess I'll go with the soaker being what I'd like most(?)
b_lacobee23 at yahoo dot com
I like the Inspire project tote from Inspired mama makes.
jessharris79 at gmail dot com
My favorite item from Rhoadworks is This is what handsome looks like in a tee.
jessharris79 at gmail dot com
My favorite item at Northern Essence is the Diaper rash salve.
jessharris79 at gmail dot com
I like the plum and aqua soaker from TomBoy Knits.
jessharris79 at gmail dot com
I like the 3 month yarn subscribtion from Inspired mama Makes!
b_lacobee23 at yahoo dot com
I like the cloth wipes and solution by Northern Essence!
b_lacobee23 at yahoo dot com
I follow Northern Essence on Facebook!
Brandy Greer
b_lacobee23 at yahoo dot com
I love the newborn plum and aqua soaker from TomboyKnits!
b_lacobee23 at yahoo dot com
I am excited about the cloth wipes!
I like the Inspire project totes on IMM
I follow IMM on GFC as Alliejean
The Rhoadworks item I like is the I pulled an allnighter onesie..life in our house right now :)
I follow Rhoadworks on FB username RileyRoy AllieWiley
I follow Northern Essesnce on FB username RileyRoy AllieWiley
The northwrn essence item I like is the cloth diaper safe set.
I like the plumb and aqua soaker on tomboy knits.
I am most excited about the wool!!
Would love the wool soaker!
midget52 at yahoo dot com
Love the Inspired Mama Makes meadow moss wool.
midget52 at yahoo dot com
at Northern Essence I like their natural soaps.
midget52 at yahoo dot com
I am most excited about the yarn subscription from Inspired mama Makes! =D I have my own crochet site and I'm nuts about yarn! =D
knightsgirl at gmail dot com
I am excited for the wool soaker! Thanks for the chance! {GFC follower too!}
bekki1820cb at gmail dot com
I follow you on GFC. I am excited about the beautiful yarn and the natural soap.
macleishshelby at gmail dot com
I love the tote bags from Inspired Mama Makes ... but I can't pick between the two: Inspire and Create. I'd have to have it say one on one side and the other on the other side. =D
knightsgirl at gmail dot com
Following IMM's blog via Google Connect
knightsgirl at gmail dot com
I love the Christmas tree onesie, until I saw the "This is what Handsome looks like" onesie! I want that! lol
knightsgirl at gmail dot com
I like the I Look This Way Because Daddy Dressed Me tee at Rhoadworks
bekki1820cb at gmail dot com
Liked Rhoadworks on FB!
Jessica Conkey
knightsgirl at gmail dot com
I like the Winter Relief Natural Soap over at Nothern Essence. bekki1820cb at gmail dot com
On Northern Essence's page, the first thing I saw was the amber teething necklace. That is definitely what I would want!
knightsgirl at gmail dot com
jkrs01 @comcast.net
GFC follower
I am definitely most excited about that wool soaker although everything sounds great!
Already a fan of Northern Essence on FB! =D
Jessica Conkey
knightsgirl at gmail dot com
I would choose the boy colored knit soakers from tomboyknits! =D
knightsgirl at gmail dot com
From Inspired Mama I love the Meadow Moss Wool top for sale! :)
I follow IMM blog!
jkrs01 @comcast.net
Follow Rhoadworks on FB
Julie Howard Kieras
Follow Northern Essence on FB
Love the star trek shirt at Rhoadworks!
From Northern Essence I definitely like that Wool Care Sampler bag - I need that! :) Are you doing extra entries for purchases from sponsors! hee hee! :)
Tomboyknits didn't have much in stock but I love the plum and Aqua soaker! :)
I'd be most excited about the yarn club! sgoetsch at cox dot net
I IMM's tote bags!
Following IMM blog!
sgoetsch at cox dot net
I like Rhoadworks "My brother is a CockaPoo"
I liked Rhoadworks on FB!
I follow NE on FB!
NE's Lanolin Mister is great!!
I like TBK's Medium Purewool Calisto Longies (in sold items) sgoetsch@cox.net
Blog follower via GFC.
sarah brown
knockedupandnursing at gmail dot com
I love the OWLET corriedale wool top 4 oz from Inspired Mama Makes.
knockedupandnursing at gmail dot com
Blog follower of IMM.
sarah brown
knockedupandnursing at gmail dot com
I like the Blueberry Cup Cake on Red from Rhodeworks
knockedupandnursing at gmail dot com
I like the Northern Essence Nursing Pads.
knockedupandnursing at gmail dot com
FB fan of NE.
sarah brown
knockedupandnursing at gmail dot com
I like the Newborn Free Spirit Soaker with Pink Trim from TomBoy Knits.
knockedupandnursing at gmail dot com
Most excited about the Inspired Mama Makes wool!
I follow.
hmahan_0529 @yahoo dot com
Meadow Moss from Inspired Mama Makes
I don't see it on her website, but I would love a My Sister is a St. Bernard from Rhoadworks!
Norther Essence favorite is the Diaper rash Salve
Like Northern Essence on FB Heather Mahan
Tomboy Knits favorite item is the Plum and Aqua soaker
hmahan_0529 @yahoo dot com
i'm most excited about the northern essence wool wash!
mommytrenches at gmail dot com
i love the meadow moss wool from IMM!
mommytrenches at gmail dot com
i follow imm's blog
mommytrenches at gmail dot com
i love the mr stinky pants tee from R's shop!
mommytrenches at gmail dot com
i like R on fb
april p
mommytrenches at gmail dot com
i love the whipped shae butter from NE
mommytrenches at gmail dot com
i like NE on fb
april p
mommytrenches at gmail dot com
i love the plum & aqua shorties by TBK
mommytrenches at gmail dot com
I'm most excited about the wool soaker! laura.adcock at yahoo dot com
im lovin the poop happens t... though the wool wash bar is pretty exciting too
coreybelle86 at yahoo dot ocm
Ooo.. it's all great! I think the rash salve would be great today!
radharas at yahoo dot com
Follow IMM blog
radharas at yahoo dot com
Like Rhoadworks on FB
radharas at yahoo dot com
The Free Spirit Soaker with Pink Trim on TomBoyKnits!
radharas at yahoo dot com
The All natural vapor rub on Northern Essence would be lovely!!
radharas at yahoo dot com
Follow Northern Essence on FB
The Inspired Project Tote by IMM is sweet!
radharas at yahoo dot com
I'm excited by the Inspired mama MAKES! so cool!
j.mcdilda at gmail dot com
following IMM's blog, it shows as JMC
j.mcdilda at gmail dot com
I love the OWLET corriedale wool top 4 oz from IMM
j.mcdilda at gmail dot com
I'm loving the yarn.
I like the I'm Having a Bad Hair Day Diaper Shirt or Tee from rhoadworks
j.mcdilda at gmail dot com
liked rhoadworks on facebook
j.mcdilda at gmail dot com
liked northern essence on facebook
j.mcdilda at gmail dot com
I like the Hydrotherapy Mineral Salts from northern essence
j.mcdilda at gmail dot com
i like the Newborn Plum and Aqua Soaker from TBK
j.mcdilda at gmail dot com
the yarn is most exciting to me - LOVE yarn!!
lisa_pt2003 at yahoo dot com
I like IMM's Inspire project tote - I could use that!
lisa_pt2003 at yahoo dot com
rhoadworks I'm a keeper shirt is a fav!
lisa_pt2003 at yahoo dot com
fruity lip butter looks awesome from Northern Essence
lisa_pt2003 at yahoo dot com
I love the free spirit soaker from TomBoyKnits
lisa_pt2003 at yahoo dot com
follow IMM blog
lisa_pt2003 at yahoo dot com
like rhoadworks on FB
lisa_pt2003 at yahoo dot com
like northern essence on FB!
lisa_pt2003 at yahoo dot com
I'm most excited about shirt from Rhoadworks!
jhull at m dot marywood dot edu
I like the Meadow Moss Wool from Inspired Mama Makes.
jhull at m dot marywood dot edu
I follow Inspired Mama's Blog.
jhull at m dot marywood dot edu
I like the Mr. Stinky Pants Tee from Rhoadworks.
jhull at m dot marywood dot edu
I follow RhoadWorks on fb.
Jenny Hull
jhull at m dot marywood dot edu
I like the Better Butter Cream from Northern Essence.
jhull at m dot marywood dot edu
I follow northern essence on fb.
Jenny Hull
jhull at m dot marywood dot edu
My favorite item from TomBoyKnits is the plum and aqua soaker.
jhull at m dot marywood dot edu
I am most excited about the Northern Essence items. I really would like to try the rash salve
lyromero77 at yahoo dot com
My fave item from Inspired Mama makes is the CREATE project tote
lyromero77 at yahoo dot com
I follow IMM's blog (Linda R)
lyromero77 at yahoo dot com
My fave item at Rhoadworks is the Pretty in Pink Diaper Shirt
lyromero77 at yahoo dot com
I like Rhoadworks on facebook (charming linda)
lyromero77 at yahoo dot com
My fave item from Northern Essence is the Goatmilk Liquid Soap
lyromero77 at yahoo dot com
I like Northern Essence on facebook (charming linda)
lyromero77 at yahoo dot com
My fave item from TomBoy Knits is the Newborn free spirit soaker with pink trim
lyromero77 at yahoo dot com
Tough choice - the yarn from Inspired Mama looks wonderful, but we LOVE our Northern Essence Diaper Salve!
jdeemarie @ gmail.com
I love the colors on the Meadow Moss fiber from Inspired Mama (I don't spin though).
jdeemarie @ gmail.com
I follow the Inspired Mama blog.
jdeemarie @ gmail.com
My husband would love the Star Trek Tee from Rhoadworks
jdeemarie @ gmail.com
My favorite item from Northern Essence is the All Natural Diaper Salve.
jdeemarie @ gmail.com
I'm a Facebook fan of Northern Essence (Jodi Jordan)
jdeemarie @ gmail.com
I love the color on these longies from TomBoyKnits
jdeemarie @ gmail.com
Yarn subscriptions!! Sounds awesome!
jralderete at yahoo dot com
Stopped by Inspired Mama - 12 oz yarn subscription.
jralderete at yahoo dot com
Stopped by Rhoadworks Clothes for Babies and LOVES the Star Trek shirt.
jralderete at yahoo dot com
most excited about tomboyknits soaker
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