I'm Alive.
the Big Girl and Moi.
Life got crazy so I took a break, but have been feeling the pull to write again and share things we're learning, so here we go! Back in the saddle. I can do this! What exactly will 'this' look like? Not entirely sure. We've gone gluten free and mostly dairy free. Learning more about nutrition, herbs, gardening and the like. Always trying more recipes! May or may not do reviews and giveaways. Or if I do, will hop in a hop and let someone else drive that train(haha).
Before when writing, I was somewhat careful to try and mask quite a bit of who I am and what I'm really all about, in part an effort not to make anyone feel disenfranchised, but also just because I wasn't brave enough. So here's me, shaking that off.
Hi, my name is Stacy. I'm 30 years old and live in the midwest. I come from a big family and have a really, really, really big extended family. With lots of opinions! I grew up attending both Lutheran and Latter Day Saints(Mormon) churches but currently do not attend any. I enjoy cooking, learning new things, making something out of nothing, gardening, reading, singing. I am against GMOs, question much of modern medicine and am fascinated by holistic practices. We choose to cloth diaper, sometimes use baby carriers, breastfeed as long as we can, do not vaccinate, do not circumcise and attend public school. I am for Marriage Equality. Some day I'd like a picture of my gardens to be in a magazine, to write and publish a book and learn to play the cello. We try to follow many attachment type parenting ideas but seem to fail more often than not. I am really concerned about our environment and our food system.
I have a lot to learn, and you are welcome to join me.