No, seriously, you build a deck!

I'm sure several of you entered the $750 Fall Follower's Giveaway hosted by Simply Stacie and 11 other blogs(listed at the end). And you didn't win, because I did! *Queue maniacal laugh* (Truly, sorry you didn't win!) Oddly enough with a couple minutes to spare, I logged on to facebook that night and saw the reminder for the big reveal thanks to Still Blonde. Seeing as the hubs was making dinner, I figured it'd be fun to join everyone else and see who won. When the winner was initially revealed, there was a glitch and I had to go to a different blog(My Wee View) to see who the lucky person was. Imagine my heart-stopping surprise when I realized... it was ME. I might have let out a little scream/squeal/HONEY, I WON!
Out of almost 20,000 entries, chose 10,336. And that was me.
I'm sure you're thinking, a deck? Really, you win $750 and build a deck?
Really, we needed this deck! A few years ago we'd started tearing out the old broken concrete and put in a tiled patio, but never had the money to put on proper steps. The door is at a height where you need a landing and then steps to get easily in and out. Especially while carrying babes and baskets of veggies or laundry! Thanks to the mamas that hosted the giveaway, my family and I now have a safe way to get in and out of our backyard. I guess I might miss jumping out and climbing in while 8 months pregnant... NOT!
My talented uncle designed and built it with a little help from my dad and husband. (Am I not blessed with amazing family?) It's obviously not entirely complete- the picture was taken a week or so ago before our first real snow- but we'll finish the balusters and stain/seal it in the spring. I'm looking forward to dressing it up and putting a couple of chairs out there on the patio in front of it.
Again, so many thanks to the wonderful women that hosted this giveaway! It was a huge blessing for our family and will make our lives' so much easier. Here are the blogs that hosted:
- Kelly's Lucky You
- Songberries
- Luxury Reading
- Fab Find Foodie
- Ashley Petite
- Shopper Gal
- Still Blonde After All These Years
- Acting Balanced
- My Organized Chaos
- Simply Stacie
- My Wee View
- Giveaways on Blogs
And guess what? You have another chance coming up Jan 17th-31st!

Make sure to enter! Someone has to win and it might just be YOU!
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