Thursday, December 16, 2010

Toddler Christmas Activities on the cheap!

It's that time of year... colder temps, snow for those of us far enough north, bored kids ready to drive us to Mexico... what do you do for kid-friendly activities that don't cost a lot? Here are 2 fun ones that were a hit with my kids!

Wrapping 'presents'

They want so badly to help, right? This way they can!

1. Cut as many 12x12(or so) squares of wrapping paper as you want.

2. Grab your tape!

3. Have the kids grab some wooden blocks or small books, anything that is solid as to aid in easy wrapping.

4. Let the kids 'wrap'! An adult will need to help with the taping part. I was going to skip that but found they weren't as impressed without the tape.

5. Put the 'presents' under the tree.

6. Happy kids, Happy Mama!

Make Your Own Ornaments!

This one is pretty basic and open- obviously you can use anything on hand in your home, plain paper and colors even! I grabbed a pack of 3 wooden ornaments from Michael's that were on sale. The pack came with markers and glitter, plus the 3 ornaments for $1. Works for me!

Yes, my daughter's nails are black- thanks, dad!(Mom says not again)

Note to self: Don't put glue on marker, makes it bleed!

Merry Christmas and may Cabin Fever be slow to find you!


Michelle F. said...

Great ideas! We've been dealing with an antsy toddler during this cold weather too!

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