Saturday, February 19, 2011

Good Reads- All about Gardening

Gardening is obviously in the forefront of my mind with Spring around the corner- so today's (belated) Good Reads Friday is all about gardening. We have one on GMOs. Have you been keeping up with what Monsanto has pushed through our government? Very troubling. I'm embarrassed to claim Vilsack as an Iowan.
Protect Your Home Garden from New GMO Threats

Also have one today that links to a fun blog on gardening in a small space. Even if you have copious amounts of space, these techniques can really help to make the best use of your space and maximize harvest.
Intensive Gardening Methods- A Learning Series for the Small Space Gardener

Lastly, there's a great little article from Organic Gardening on cold frames that I wanted to share. My mom used a cold frame at our house growing up. I'd love to build one, too, just as soon as I figure where it would go.
Cold Frames

Hope everyone had a lovely Saturday! As always, feel free to link to something you enjoyed reading this week, as well!


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