Sunday, February 20, 2011

Menu Monday!

Wow, I know you're shocked. Menu Monday is actually on Monday this week! Here it is:

Breakfast: PB toast with banana and honey, cheese
Lunch: Navy Bean Soup with bread and apple slices
Dinner: Leftovers from the weekend! Gotta clear out the fridge

Breakfast: Cream of Wheat, blueberries
Lunch: Spaghetti, applesauce and bread
Dinner: Grilled Beef Gyros, cucumber, tomato, onion, oranges

Breakfast: Spinach Omelettes, oranges
Lunch: Sticky Chicken, green beans, applesauce
Dinner: Dad's

Breakfast: Overnight Waffles, berries
Lunch: Curried Butternut Wild Rice Soup, apples and bread
Dinner: Pizza, spinach salad, cooked carrots for the little man, applesauce

Breakfast: Eggs, Oranges, Cheese
Lunch: Tuna Noodle Casserole, peas, applesauce
Dinner: Leftovers, possibly date night?

My grocery bill should run around $30 I think. We'll find out when I make an early morning run tomorrow! Really excited to try the Grilled Beef Gyros and Sticky Chicken. You know I'll report back to share!


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